“We don’t know them all, but we owe them all.” – Unknown

(November 7, 2022)–Across the history of mankind, one fact stubbornly resists becoming extinct – every era, every civilization, every people need to be protected.  Whether over borders or wealth or the most personal issues between rulers, defenders have always been needed.

Today, we know them as veterans of our military, and honor their service on Veterans Day.

Speaking or posting our thanks goes a long way toward letting these special people know that their service has been noticed and appreciated.  Here are a few more tangible ways to convey a positive message to veterans this year:

  • Fly the flag.
  • Greet a veteran when he or she arrives home. Airport websites can help identify incoming flights.
  • Send a care package through operationgratitude.com.
  • Visit a veteran.
  • Hire a veteran.
  • Donate to a veteran’s charity. Visit veteranlife.com as a guide to outstanding charities for veterans.

We are blessed to live in a country with so much to be grateful for, and therefore, so much to be protected.  It has been said that the veteran fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him. All of us on the OC Reilly team offer our appreciation and thanks to our nation’s defenders – our veterans.

Wishing all veterans and their families a safe, enjoyable, and happy Veterans Day.

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