From the OC Reilly Team:

As Veterans Day approaches, it can be so easy to let this remembrance get lost in the shuffle of elections, Thanksgiving, and even the increasingly rapid run-up to Christmas and the other year-end holidays.  But what a mistake if we should permit that to happen.

“We don’t know them all, but we owe them all.” – Anonymous

From the earliest days of the American Revolution to today, our nation’s veterans have carried the cause of freedom from the farms and fields of Massachusetts and Virginia to the cliffs of Normandy, the jungles of Vietnam, and the sands of Afghanistan.  And they’ve done it without delay or complaint.

“For the veteran, thank you for bravely doing what you’re called to do so we can safely do what we’re free to do.” – Anonymous

If not for those willing to wear the uniform and defend our homeland and its ideals, the U.S. we know in 2023 may not have survived.  Every blessing and right Americans know and cherish remains because of those who accept the responsibility to stand and fight for them.

“Real heroes don’t wear capes.” – Anonymous

A true hero feels no need to be flashy or loud.  A true hero understands the mission and carries it out to the utmost best of his or her abilities, safe in the knowledge that the underlying spirit and cause are worth the sacrifice.  Our greatest president described the debt we owe our veterans.

“Any nation that does not honor its heroes will not long endure.” – Abraham Lincoln

So make time this Veterans Day to stop, think, and express your appreciation to anyone who has served in our nation’s military.  Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the rest of the holidays will arrive soon enough.  This observance deserves its rightful place in our hearts and minds.  So, from everyone at OC Reilly, we say Thank You to all veterans.

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